[MAIPC] Honeysuckle management

ivmpartnersG ivmpartners at gmail.com
Sun Jul 5 06:03:39 PDT 2015

You can also use selective backpack foliar treatments using herbicides registered for water for plants 8' tall and smaller.  Best to spray from the water side into the dry land to minimize any spray from falling into the water.  For large shrubs/trees use the hack & squirt method; make a series of axe cuts around the bole of the tree and spray herbicide into the cuts.  Best to use H&S in the fall months when the plant is taking sugars into the root system.  Very effective on root-suckering species like Ailanthus, and better than cutting them down first which results in multiple  sprouts.
Rick Johnstone, President IVM Partners

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> On Jul 4, 2015, at 9:01 AM, Randall, John L <jrandall at email.unc.edu> wrote:
> For invasive shrub removal in areas where we do not want to disturb the soil (e.g., flodplains, stream banks, etc.) we use either cut-and-paint or basal bark treatments followed by live-staking (using usually swamp dogwood or elderberry). The dying/dead/decomposing root mass of the invasives continues to stabilize the soil while the live stakes colonize the site.
> Johnny Randall
> Johnny Randall, Ph.D.
> Director of Conservation Programs
> North Carolina Botanical Garden
> CB 3375
> UNC-Chapel Hill
> Chapel Hill NC 27599
> Office – 919-962-2380
> Cell – 919-923-0100
> www.ncbg.unc.edu
> From: MAIPC [mailto:maipc-bounces at lists.maipc.org] On Behalf Of Toni Bailey
> Sent: Friday, July 03, 2015 10:39 AM
> To: maipc at lists.maipc.org
> Subject: [MAIPC] Honeysuckle management
> All:
> I am working with a client who has large stands of bush honeysuckle on a slope within their property, which they hope to remove in the fall. We've heard about allelopathy in shrub honeysuckle and are wondering how this will affect new plants. Does anyone have experience with this? Will the substance persist in the soil after the plants are removed? They intend to re-plant with native shrubs. If new shrubs are planted soon after the honeysuckle is removed, are the new plants at risk?
> Also, while the new plants are growing and filling in, they are considering planting bare areas with rye grass to hold the soil. Has anyone used this technique, and if so, do you have any pointers about it? Any recommendations for alternatives to hold the soil?
> Thank you so much for any information you can share.
> Best,
> Toni Bailey
> Toni Bailey
> Gracefully Green, LLC
> Sustainable Landscape Specialists
> Silver Spring, Maryland   20910
> voice:  301-279-0234
> fax:     301-279-0134
> www.gracefullygreen.com
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