[MAIPC] invasive species management plans

toni at gracefullygreen.com toni at gracefullygreen.com
Wed Sep 30 08:46:34 PDT 2015

I am working with my HOA to develop a management plan for the invasive plant species on the property (13 acres adjacent to Rock Creek Regional Park in Montgomery County, MD).  This will be my first time to work on such a plan. I've got ideas about how to go about it, but I am wondering if anyone has resources, advice, or a template that they would be willing to share.
Thanks a million for any help you can provide!
Toni Bailey Toni BaileyGracefully Green, LLC
Sustainable Landscape SpecialistsSilver Spring, Maryland   20910voice:  301-279-0234fax:     301-279-0134www.gracefullygreen.com

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