[MAIPC] Faith's 37th blog asks - when will IAS get conservationists' attention?

Phytodoer at aol.com Phytodoer at aol.com
Sat May 21 14:15:16 PDT 2016

hello, forest pest mavens & others,
I have posted a new blog at _www.cisp.us_ (http://www.cisp.us)   ... this 
one reports a recent study relying on IUCN Red Book data to evaluate  causes 
of extinction - and finds that invasive species are the 2nd most commonly  
cited driver of extinctions - and rank 1st for vertebrates.
Yet invasive species issues continue to suffer from receiving little  
attention from the conservation community - beginning with grant-making  
foundations and reaching through the big names of US conservation  organizations.  
What can we do to correct this imbalance?
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