[MAIPC] FW: 9th International IPM Symposium - Call for Session Proposals Now Open

Marc Imlay ialm at erols.com
Wed Feb 1 08:29:59 PST 2017

FYI. Marc


“networking with colleagues and leading scientists, and learning the latest research and strategies for effectively managing pests in agriculture, communities, and natural areas, with the least impact on health and environment. “ 



Your opportunity to develop a proposal for a session on your favorite topic, and to educate, engage and learn from attendees from around the world! 




The 9th International IPM Symposium program committee is now welcoming your proposals for symposium sessions!  They may address any aspect of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) including research, extension, regulatory, policy and IPM in practice. For this event, your program committee especially encourages proposals that address our theme, and include IPM user perspectives in agriculture and communities, including growers, facility managers, consultants and others. 


The Symposium is your premier global event for professional development, networking with colleagues and leading scientists, and learning the latest research and strategies for effectively managing pests in agriculture, communities, and natural areas, with the least impact on health and environment.   The 9th International IPM Symposium will be held March 19–22, 2018 in Baltimore, Maryland at Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel. 


This call is only for multi-speaker sessions, not for individual presentations.  If you are interested in participating in a session as a speaker and not the organizer, please contact Elaine Wolff at  <mailto:wolff1 at illinois.edu> wolff1 at illinois.edu. 


Please circulate this announcement to your IPM colleagues. 


The proposals should include the title, a proposed slate of speakers, and a 250-word abstract. Program sessions will be organized in ninety-minute time blocks.   In addition to multiple speaker sessions, planners will also welcome proposals for discussion, roundtable, or question-and-answer formats on specific topics.  


Visit  <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OYqD3LCLo5GbjMmIbVFg66UNMrxuTqCW0YgH7l8Z0yJMC3tEwQ__56-8u93CMkqDu4Wt8RIMFbGOJ0dDjxLhfj8VUCSwjvwPH7HD5PU8i75XYVruemDlsPYzgoAljyMpQK_5SBRoc6D5yeWBh8hXUEdiPtNJi5AYAz2jnpMHQNgayrF-ryEkfA==&c=smrqcD7ca15u08GDBjm68TG_3xwXq6TZ3ZFnuW6glQtKlm_7wRikLA==&ch=T_QultDJ8LfP6OZgfjhypkb6CK9Zm7aIObcpfxmA9FIouvKcGTOcwQ==> https://ipmsymposium.org/2018/program.html for topic ideas and more details.


Session proposals must be submitted online by Monday, April 24, 2017 for full consideration. 


Contact Elaine Wolff, Symposium Coordinator, at  <mailto:wolff1 at illinois.edu> wolff1 at illinois.edu to learn more about attending, exhibiting at or contributing to the Symposium.. 

 <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001OYqD3LCLo5GbjMmIbVFg66UNMrxuTqCW0YgH7l8Z0yJMC3tEwQ__505BN8yWDzEyMEiBmr_hEtXyK8JoaxwWPjiqK4wzPCSagf1fNZObTvWA2v0d1bSzNDVro6SCtQCr9m0WBcNbHcyJeeXpFlnyYRd5LbiEXOtQkiypXYHjpbw=&c=smrqcD7ca15u08GDBjm68TG_3xwXq6TZ3ZFnuW6glQtKlm_7wRikLA==&ch=T_QultDJ8LfP6OZgfjhypkb6CK9Zm7aIObcpfxmA9FIouvKcGTOcwQ==> https://ipmsymposium.org/2018/index.html 




International IPM Symposium | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning, 901 W. University Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 

 <https://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&m=001ATIcH-NDTXM0wdPnzI6A5Q%3D&ch=8f6ebca0-b98b-11e5-9e49-d4ae5292c47d&ca=0f273a9a-b2ec-4aa8-9250-d01dc2a2e734> Unsubscribe ialm at erols.com 

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Sent by  <mailto:wolff1 at illinois.edu> wolff1 at illinois.edu in collaboration with 


 <http://www.constantcontact.com/index.jsp?cc=nge> Try it free today 



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