[MAIPC] Potential site for 2019 MAIPC Conference (Front Royal, VA)

Carla Porter carlaevporter at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 9 08:38:55 PST 2018

During yesterday's discussion on the 2019 conference location, I vaguely remembered participating in a past educational opportunity in Front Royal, VA.  In 2010 I attended "Good Green Bad Green" that, if my memory serves correct, was cosponsored by Adam K. Downing and William J. McShea.  The conference was held at the Northern Virginia 4-H Center which was really nice.  As for accommodations, I vaguely remember staying in a motel that was undesirable, and whose name I don't remember (I'm pretty sure I was just a teenager waaaay back then ;)).  
I was able to find the documentation from that conference and I have attached the agenda to this Email.  I would say that conference was tailored for foresters and other likeminded folks.  The 2010 conference included an "optional" van tour of the SCBI Complex.  Bill McShea talked about the mission of the SCBI and we were able to get out and walk around a few times, including the zoo area where we saw Clouded Leopards!  
Hope this helps.  

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