[MAIPC] Fw: Exciting Update on Biocontrol for Ailanthus

Melissa Bravo bravomelissa at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 26 08:41:24 PST 2018

.......my post got stuck.. sorry..... wrote this the other day.... 
December 24, 2018.... 
Really... preferred breeding spot.... what a generic statement to make when lanternfly had evolved to be host specific to ailanthus for oh just 2,000...3,000 years....Why are all these researchers purposefullly not mentioning the fact that this annual cicadia species is quite common in Asia and has evolved in a sub-tropical ecosystem with a tree that is as common there as Ash is here?
Is there ego all that matters?
. and it is a tree hopper not a grass hopper it's ecological status - it is not a threat to crops and that is a misstatement by someone at PDA who clearly did not have a working knowledge of host pest dependency that should be recanted at every turn.....it did not evolve to feed on corn or soybeans. 
And....verticillium in Tree of Heaven was first evaluated by Penn State researcher....
Donald D. Davis, Ph.D. — Department of Plant Pathology and ...

https://plantpath.psu.edu › Ag Sciences › PlantPath › Directory   
B.S., Forestry, Penn State University; M.S., Forestry, Penn State University ... using spent mushroom compost; and biocontrol of tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima) using Verticillium. ... Wicker, K.L., E.S. O'Neal, D.D. Davis, and M.T. Kasson.
and injecting verticillium into the fungal network that an entire ecoystem depends on is a dangerous move and one I would not promote as it cannot be evaluated. we already have ROT out the wazoo above ground and now we are purposefully injecting it into the ground where they may have not tolerance to such an invader. Why we could collapse the entire forest network over such an over zealous effort to kill a tree we don't like? 
It bothers me immensely when the 'expert's representing information to the general public do not do do diligence and get the information correct. I could write a book on the misinformation that gets circulated and that is just from one day of researching the facts on Ailanthus and Lanternfly . 
Melissa A. Bravo, M.S. CCA, Agronomist Meadow Lake Farm Consulting Services 814-574-4067 / bravomelissa at yahoo.com 


    On Monday, December 24, 2018, 11:59:38 PM EST, Marc Imlay <ialm at erols.com> wrote:  
RAPHINE — The kudzu of the tree world could one day be controlled by a fungus.

Virginia Tech graduate student Rachel Brooks is testing how the fungus verticillium attacks tree of heaven, an invasive species for which Brooks used the kudzu reference. The hope: that the fungus will help kill the tree, which grows just about everywhere.

Tree of heaven is a plant from China that creates problems across Virginia and the country. The tree spreads and grows rapidly, growing as much as five to ten feet a year. It often chokes out native plants, blocks drivers’ views on roadways and grows in agricultural or urban areas. There is also some evidence that the tree is a preferred breeding spot for the invasive spotted lanternfly, which could wreak havoc on Virginia crops.

The plant is prevalent at the Shenandoah Valley Agricultural Research and Extension Center, where Brooks is studying it along with several other sites across the state.

She’s inoculated a few of the trees with verticillium fungus. In a little more than a year, the fungus has killed the trees that were exposed. It’s also spread the fungus through the interwoven tree of heaven root systems to kill off many of the trees in the area.

Brooks keeps coming back to measure the fungal effects.

“The end goal is a product that you can buy in the store,” Brooks said.



From: Maipc-brd <maipc-brd-bounces at lists.maipc.org> On Behalf Of Marian Orlousky
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 12:32 PM
To: MAIPC Board <maipc-brd at lists.maipc.org>
Subject: [Maipc-brd] Fw: Exciting Update on Biocontrol for Ailanthus




Marian Orlousky

Northern Resource Management Coordinator

Appalachian Trail Conservancy

4 East First Street

Boiling Springs, PA 17007

Direct Line: 717-260-3217

MARO Office: 717-258-5771 ex: 208

Fax: 717.258.1442

morlousky at appalachiantrail.org




The Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s mission is to preserve and manage the Appalachian Trail – ensuring that its vast natural beauty and priceless cultural heritage can be shared and enjoyed today, tomorrow, and for centuries to come. To become a member, volunteer, or learn more, visit www.appalachiantrail.org.



From: rush williamson <longportage at comcast.net>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 12:07 PM
To: Marian Orlousky
Subject: Fwd: Exciting Update on Biocontrol for Ailanthus 




Do not know if you are on their distribution but this looks like some thing up your ally.  If you do get Prism's stuff - sorry to bother you



Exciting Update on Biocontrol for Ailanthus---------- Original Message ---------- 
From: "Blue Ridge PRISM [Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management]" <info at blueridgeprism.org> 
To: president at patc.net 
Date: December 19, 2018 at 4:29 AM 
Subject: Exciting Update on Biocontrol for Ailanthus 

Join Us for the Latest Update! 





Join Us for Our Next Quarterly Meeting









An Update on Biological Control for Tree-of-Heaven
January 16, 2019
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
The Education Building at Ivy Creek Natural Area  

1780 Earlysville Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903 

Guest Speaker: Rachel Brooks, PhD Candidate at Virginia Tech, will be giving the latest update on her promising research on using Verticillium wilt as a biological control for tree-of-heaven.

We hope to see you there!




















Copyright © 2018, Blue Ridge PRISM. All rights reserved.
The Blue Ridge PRISM is a project of the Shenandoah Park National Trust, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

404 8th Street NE, Suite D
Charlottesville, VA 22902

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