[MAIPC] FW: [ficmnew] Draft Triticum spp pest risk assessment available for comment

Marc Imlay ialm at erols.com
Thu Jun 28 21:08:03 PDT 2018




From: Annie Simpson [mailto:asimpson at usgs.gov] 
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 9:47 AM
To: Mark Imlay <ialm at erols.com>
Subject: [ficmnew] Draft Triticum spp pest risk assessment available for comment


[Sent via. FICMNEW Listserv] >

Draft pest risk assessment Available for Review and Comment: Importation of Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum durum L. Seed for Planting from Italy into the United States


The government of Italy has requested USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to authorize the importation of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum durum L.) seed for propagation into the United States and its territories. APHIS has drafted a pest risk assessment that lists potential pests likely to remain on the commodity upon importation if no mitigations are applied.

APHIS shares draft pest risk assessments to determine whether stakeholders have information that might lead us to revise the draft assessment before we identify pest mitigations and proceed with the notice-based process to change import restrictions.

The draft pest risk assessment for Triticum aestivum L. and Triticum durum L. seed for propagation from Italy will be available for review and comment for 30 days. To view the assessment or submit comments, go to https://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant-health/risk-assessment-consultation <https://lnks.gd/l/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJlbWFpbCI6ImFzaW1wc29uQHVzZ3MuZ292IiwiYnVsbGV0aW5fbGlua19pZCI6IjEwMiIsInN1YnNjcmliZXJfaWQiOiI1OTc5MTYyNDgiLCJsaW5rX2lkIjoiMzkyMjU0MDczIiwidXJpIjoiYnAyOmRpZ2VzdCIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmFwaGlzLnVzZGEuZ292L3BsYW50LWhlYWx0aC9yaXNrLWFzc2Vzc21lbnQtY29uc3VsdGF0aW9uIiwiYnVsbGV0aW5faWQiOiIyMDE4MDYyNy45MTczMDYzMSJ9.o5Zsw0-cks2UnYxPMbEwltX7yUtweDJcSMNL3g30o70> .




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