[MAIPC] Non-native, invasive plant training class.

Chuquin, Ana ana_chuquin at nps.gov
Thu May 31 14:05:42 PDT 2018


 Casey Trees, Rock Creek Park, DOEE, and the Anacostia Watershed Society
are offering non-native, invasive plant training. The training is a two-day
event that will take place on Wednesday, June 13th from 6:00PM to 8:30PM
for the theory part, and on Saturday, June 16th from 9:00AM to 1:00PM for
the field part. Many groups use this class as a requirement to sign weed
warriors to their programs.

Please help us spread the word about this opportunity. Registration is

 Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/n
on-native-invasive-plant-removal-registration-45488662815. Feel free to
share it.

Thank you,

Ana Chuquin.

Ana Chuquin
Rock Creek Park
3545 Williamsburg Lane, NW
Washington DC., 20008
Office: 202.895-6077
Cell: 202.594.6261
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