[MAIPC] Where have all the flowers gone? (Pete Sieger)

Servis, Robert Robert.Servis at montgomeryparks.org
Tue Apr 16 07:48:23 PDT 2019

I’m assuming that the particular Celandine you are referring to is in a large patch or more likely an entire ground cover sprawling over acres of floodplain as it is in many of the stream valleys here in Montgomery County, MD and the Mid-Atlantic in general.  The nature of the plant is that it grows from underground bulbuls which can make actual removal hard to impossible depending on the scale of infestation.

*If it is just a few individuals in your back yard or along a flowerbed/walkway etc. it may be feasible to try to hand remove these individuals (making sure to remove all the underground bulbuls not just the top vegetative portion.)
*On any large scale infestation, I have found that a low percentage of Glyphosate is effective as a foliar application, being selective and only spraying the targeted celandine…(there are a lot of spring ephemeral flowers up right now that you would not want to become collateral damage due to the spraying efforts.  Usually there is a window of opportunity(late Feb.-early Mar.)  after the celandine comes up but before the spring ephemeral flowers emerge.  This avoids the desired plants and also treats the target pest plant before it flowers.  If there is someone who is licensed to apply  this may be your best bet.  Also hiring a contractor to professionally handle this type of work is a good option if you are in the position to do so.

I would follow label rates as far as the herbicide goes but I have had success with as little as 1%-1.5% glyphosate while using an aquatic approved surfactant.
I would not suggest Triclopyr products as I have seen poor results from testing this out.

Hope this helps a little bit.

From: MAIPC <maipc-bounces at lists.maipc.org> On Behalf Of michelskm2016
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 9:22 AM
To: Marc Imlay <ialm at erols.com>; INVASIVES at LISTSERV.UMD.EDU; maipc at lists.maipc.org
Subject: Re: [MAIPC] Where have all the flowers gone? (Pete Sieger)

How do you remove lesser Celandine ?

-------- Original message --------
From: Marc Imlay <ialm at erols.com>
Date: 4/16/19 7:41 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: INVASIVES at LISTSERV.UMD.EDU, maipc at lists.maipc.org, 'Zack Gerdes' <zack.gerdes at mdsierra.org>, 'Communications Intern' <communications.intern at mdsierra.org>, 'Colleen Curran' <curr2476 at gmail.com>, dtaft at hyattsville.org, caistis at hyattsville.org
Subject: [MAIPC] Where have all the flowers gone? (Pete Sieger)
Where have all the flowers gone?  Magruder Woods and Little Paint Branch Park is where have all the flowers gone. Because we removed Lesser Celandine. So please support the attachment so the flowers come back everywhere.

Marc Imlay, natural places chair for the Sierra Club in Maryland

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