[MAIPC] FW: American Chestnut?

Earl "Bud" Reaves Jr. ipreav00 at aacounty.org
Fri Apr 26 08:08:25 PDT 2019

I agree with Liz.

*Earl "Bud" Reaves, CF*
*County Forester*
SAF Certified Forester, MD Licensed Forester, ISA Certified ArboristÒ,
2664 Riva Road    MS #6201
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
Anne Arundel Weed Resistance <https://www.anne-arundel-weed-resistance.org/>

Maryland Invasive Species Council <http://www.mdinvasivesp.org/index.html>
*Emerald Ash Borer Info

On Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 6:35 AM Liz Matthews <lizmatthews03 at gmail.com>

> Leaves and bark look like sawtooth oak (*Quercus acutissima*), more than
> any of the chestnut species likely in our area.
> On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 10:41 PM Marc Imlay <ialm at erols.com> wrote:
>> *Who can help Marc Juba? Thanks.*
>> *Marc Imlay*
>> *From:* Juba, Marc <Marc.Juba at ppd.mncppc.org>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 23, 2019 10:37 AM
>> *To:* Imlay, Marc <Marc.Imlay at pgparks.com>
>> *Subject:* FW: American Chestnut?
>> *Hi Marc:*
>> *We are trying to get opinions on whether or not these trees are hybrids
>> between the Chinese and American Chestnut or actual American chestnuts.
>> Leaning towards them not being pure Chinese chestnut trees. Based on aerial
>> imagery in PG Atlas they were planted in 1980. Any thoughts and opinions on
>> subject are welcome. *
>> *-Marc*
>> [image: cid:image001.png at 01D354AB.13C959E0]
>> *Marc Juba, Senior Planner*
>> Environmental Planning Section
>> Prince George’s Planning Department
>> The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
>> 9400 Peppercorn Place
>> Suite 230
>> Largo, MD 20772
>> Office: (301) 883-3239 Fax: (301) 952-8510
>> Marc.Juba at ppd.mncppc.org
>> *From:* Juba, Marc
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, April 23, 2019 9:08 AM
>> *To:* Garrett, Chris <Chris.Garrett at pgparks.com>
>> *Cc:* Shoulars, Katina <Katina.Shoulars at ppd.mncppc.org>
>> *Subject:* American Chestnut?
>> Hi Chris:
>> I did a site visit, and noticed that not only did the environmental
>> specialist omit 5 specimen trees from their plan but two of them are
>> Chestnut Trees.
>> I was looking through the books and I think that the chestnuts are most
>> likely American Chestnuts, not the Chinese Chestnut as the form is fairly
>> upright (not spreading) and the leaves quite narrow and finely toothed.
>> Unfortunately I could not find any fruit to be 100% certain. The catkins
>> are still on the trees. I noted that we have no county champion American
>> chestnuts in our Register of Champion Trees for the County. In fact the
>> only type of Chestnut on register is Chinese chestnut. They could also be
>> hybrids. I could use an extra pair of eyes on this. If they are Chinese
>> chestnuts its no big deal, but if they are American chestnuts they would be
>> eligible for county champion designation status.
>> If they are American chestnut, it might not be a bad idea for Parks to
>> reach out to the owner of the property to see if they can be persuaded to
>> forgo some cuttings for propagation, as I am sure they are going to apply
>> for their removal. Resistant cultivars of American chestnut are rare, and
>> big money, as I am sure you are aware. So it’s worth checking out. The site
>> is located at 716 Ritchie Road, Capital Heights, MD. The two site entrances
>> are roped off. I just parked in one of the industrial park parking lots on
>> Edgeworth Drive and walked around to access site. Both trees are around 33”
>> DBH.
>> Below is a rudimentary map with the trees in question circled. I have
>> attached photos as well.
>> Here is what Virginia Tech says about the differences between Chinese
>> versus American chestnut trees http://dendro.cnre.vt.edu/comparison/
>> <https://nam03.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdendro.cnre.vt.edu%2Fcomparison%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7C9908edfda7e24a82e60808d6c7f932bb%7Ca9061e0c24ca4c1cbeff039bb8c05816%7C0%7C0%7C636916270551245583&sdata=tmOOrIiYWsMa9vn47GRWcNu7CMoa42%2B4FxsJjmArcWk%3D&reserved=0>
>> [image: cid:image002.png at 01D4F9B0.140306D0]
>> -Marc
>> [image: cid:image001.png at 01D354AB.13C959E0]
>> *Marc Juba, Senior Planner*
>> Environmental Planning Section
>> Prince George’s Planning Department
>> The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission
>> 9400 Peppercorn Place
>> Suite 230
>> Largo, MD 20772
>> Office: (301) 883-3239 Fax: (301) 952-8510
>> Marc.Juba at ppd.mncppc.org
>> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=emailclient&utm_term=icon> Virus-free.
>> www.avast.com
>> <https://www.avast.com/sig-email?utm_medium=email&utm_source=link&utm_campaign=sig-email&utm_content=emailclient&utm_term=link>
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