[MAIPC] FW: Juniata follow up Surveying for native biological controls

Marc Imlay ialm at erols.com
Thu Aug 29 05:01:09 PDT 2019

Evidently, we have enough information to begin research of a potential biocontrol for Norway Maple. Chris said at the MNPS workshop that Norway Maple is dead on many yards of homeowners that would not have wanted it dead. Cherrs

Marc Imlay, PhD, Chair, Biological Control Working Group MAIPC



From: Rita Misra <misraspaurs at gmail.com> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2019 8:51 PM
To: Marc Imlay <ialm at erols.com>
Subject: Re: Juniata follow up Surveying for native biological controls




I've lived in Mt Airy on Main Street since 1994.  Norway maple is one of the most common trees on Main Street, and has over all but the last few years been an essentially "no fail" healthy tree.  However, this seems to have changed.  Now, many have dieback of large branches, and some trees are dead.  I'm assuming this is because the last few years have been unusually wet (?).  If there's some other cause though, that could be very important with respect to this species ability to outcompete native (and other exotic) tree species.




On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 1:31 PM Marc Imlay <ialm at erols.com <mailto:ialm at erols.com> > wrote:

Hi Chris Spaur,


Thanks for your report  of a finding of massive death of mature Norway Maple over many acres that were healthy just 2 years ago at Mt Airie in Virginia up the hill. 



From: Marc Imlay [mailto:ialm at erols.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2019 10:08 AM
To: 'Ossi, Damien (DDOE)' <damien.ossi at dc.gov <mailto:damien.ossi at dc.gov> >; Katplantsnow at gmail.com <mailto:Katplantsnow at gmail.com> ; 'katplants' <ncw at gmail.com <mailto:ncw at gmail.com> >; Foster, Donna M -FS <donna.m.foster at usda.gov <mailto:donna.m.foster at usda.gov> >; morlousky at appalachiantrail.org <mailto:morlousky at appalachiantrail.org> 
Cc: Tancos, Matthew - ARS <matthew.tancos at usda.gov <mailto:matthew.tancos at usda.gov> >
Subject: Juniata follow up Surveying for native biological controls


Hi Kathy, Donna, Damien, and Marian,


Thanks for helping prepare a message to be sent out by our MAIPC board to many IPC groups, Master gardeners, etc. promoting surveys for observations of major impacts on invasive species such as Damien found at Heritage Island on Japanese Honeysuckle. We can report a major devastation of any invasive species to Matt Tankos of ARS for research into native biological control as is happening now with Japanese Honeysuckle. Here is a draft. We can include phots links to what the impact may look like. Marc


If you see something, say something.

Dear invasive plant control enthusiast. Have you seen a major devastation of any invasive plant species, such as has been recently reported for Japanese Honeysuckle on Heritage Island? As a result ARS is doing research to determine if the pathogen or insect is a biological control candidates for controlling Japanese Honeysuckle elsewhere. See (link) for a photo of the impact on Japanese honeysuckle.  We are searching for incidents on porcelain berry, beefsteak plant, ground ivy, Wavyleaf Basket grass Japanese Stilt grass(especially if the impact occurs in the following year). Wisteria, oriental bittersweet and all other invasive plant species. 




Surveying for native biological controls has two approaches that have worked very well.

1.     Search at the far end of the range of the invasive plant species. The native insect/fungus bio controls for Multiflora Rose and Tree of Heaven popped up when MFR moved to the middle of the America and Ailanthus to the deep south central. 

2.     Search near where the invasive first came to America so there has been more time for a biocontrol to evolve as may be the case for Japanese honeysuckle at Heritage Island which was brought over by Thomas Jefferson.



Marc Imlay, PhD, Chair, Biological Control Working Group MAIPC

Conservation Biologist, Park Ranger Office, Non-native Invasive Plant Control Coordinator. 

Cell: (301) 442-5657, ialm at erols.com <mailto:ialm at erols.com> 

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