[MAIPC] Removing stiltgrass after it has gone to seed
Jackson, David Robert
drj11 at psu.edu
Thu Sep 26 05:47:01 PDT 2019
Here is an interesting study using grass specific herbicides. So I think you are correct that treating consistently for 5 years may be successful, as 3 years offered little success.
“Treatments occurred in July 2011, 2012, and 2013. In September of 2011, 2012, and
2013 all treatments had reduced the cover of M. vimineum relative to the controls and there was no
significant difference between the three treatments or the three groups of plots and no significant effect
on other species. In July 2014, M. vimineum cover had rebounded substantially and by September 2014,
cover of M. vimineum in treated plots was not significantly different from the controls.”
David R. Jackson
Forest Resources Educator
Penn State Extension-Centre County
Willowbank Building, Room 322, 420 Holmes Street
Bellefonte, PA 16823
drj11 at psu.edu<mailto:drj11 at psu.edu> 814-355-4897(office) 814-355-6983(fax)
Forest Resources Extension: https://extension.psu.edu/forests-and-wildlife <http://extension.psu.edu/natural-resources>
Central Pennsylvania Forests: http://www.centralpaforest.blogspot.com/
From: MAIPC <maipc-bounces at lists.maipc.org> On Behalf Of Lane Heimer -MDA-
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 7:39 PM
To: Todd Hagenbuch <thagenbuch at arborchem.com>
Cc: lee at ipc.us.com; Eileen Grant <granfling at aol.com>; Susan Gitlin <susan.mclaughlin at alumni.stanford.edu>; alex at ipc.us.com; MAIPC Listserve <maipc at lists.maipc.org>; jimclark5 at comcast.net
Subject: Re: [MAIPC] Removing stiltgrass after it has gone to seed
Removal of plant material with seed would be great if the area is small enough.
Research was done about ten years ago at NC State by Carrie Schmidt (Judge) with regard to seed bank longevity. showed generally a 5 year soil life for Japanese Stiltgrass.
What I have found is control before seed production in year 1 you can't tell in year 2 that you were even there. treat again in year 2 with no seed production and year 3 you will see improvement. then the same for 2 more years and very little will be seen. after the 5 years then plan regular maintenance to prevent re-infestation from outside.
Pre emergent treatment has its advantage in the first couple years as you can treat before the "regular" weed season gets busy but plan to check and treat post emergent as well for skips. Also, if treating post emergent, if you start too early you may miss some that is germinating. gives a much smaller window of opportunity for treatments
Once down to spots then all post emergent works best time wise and financially.
I prefer using the grass herbicide but the cost is higher. Application is easier since you can more easily work around desirable woody and broad leaf plants.
Keep an eye on labels for all materials and especially the grass herbicides since most of them do not have forestry labeling.
Envoy Plus has an advantage with a specific note in the label allowing use in parks.
Also recommend a non ionic surfactant, not crop oil concentrate.
when using one of the grass herbicides for Wavyleaf Basketgrass i prefer the Clethodim materials because it has the best activity on perennial grasses. Poast is the weakest on perennial grasses with the exception of burmudagrass.
The Ornimec 170 may look safer only due to its already low concentration in the jug.
On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 7:35 AM Todd Hagenbuch <thagenbuch at arborchem.com<mailto:thagenbuch at arborchem.com>> wrote:
If unopposed to synthetic herbicides……..
You really want to address the seed source with Stiltgrass, you’ll need to use a soil active herbicide in order keep the weed at bay for a number of years.
If forestry in PA, WV, and MD we (industry) have used Oust XP for a number of years. Fall rates of application would be 3 to 4 ounces per acre, spring could be 2 to 3 ounces per acre. Yes, you will likely see control of the site through most of the next growing season. The idea here is that you would be allowing for hardwood seedling establishment. The best we have seen is about 2 years of Stiltgrass absence on most sites before it starts to move back in. Softer residual products like Proclipse 65 WDG have been used in the spring before seed germination. The Proclipse generally will not harm the perennial plants on the site, it will only control annual weeds (seed) like Japanese Stiltgrass. This needs to be applied early in the spring ahead of germination to be most effective.
Best Regards,
Todd Hagenbuch
Vegetation Mgmt. Specialist
Arborchem Products
137 Lydia Lane
West Chester, PA 19382
From: MAIPC <maipc-bounces at lists.maipc.org<mailto:maipc-bounces at lists.maipc.org>> On Behalf Of Jim Hurley
Sent: Sunday, September 22, 2019 6:49 PM
To: Rod Simmons <Rod.Simmons at alexandriava.gov<mailto:Rod.Simmons at alexandriava.gov>>
Cc: lee at ipc.us.com<mailto:lee at ipc.us.com>; Eileen Grant <granfling at aol.com<mailto:granfling at aol.com>>; Susan Gitlin <susan.mclaughlin at alumni.stanford.edu<mailto:susan.mclaughlin at alumni.stanford.edu>>; alex at ipc.us.com<mailto:alex at ipc.us.com>; MAIPC Listserve <maipc at lists.maipc.org<mailto:maipc at lists.maipc.org>>; jimclark5 at comcast.net<mailto:jimclark5 at comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [MAIPC] Removing stiltgrass after it has gone to seed
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I've been using Sethoxydim in POAST, as well as Clethodim 2E. Have you found better performance with Ornamec and fluazipop products? Thanks!
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Gardner
Sent: Sep 22, 2019 7:15 AM
To: Diana Carter , Rod Simmons
Cc: "lee at ipc.us.com<mailto:lee at ipc.us.com>" , Eileen Grant , Susan Gitlin , "alex at ipc.us.com<mailto:alex at ipc.us.com>" , MAIPC Listserve , "jimclark5 at comcast.net<mailto:jimclark5 at comcast.net>"
Subject: Re: [MAIPC] Removing stiltgrass after it has gone to seed
Has anyone considered using horticultural vinegar? It is organic, biodegradable, easy to clean up and much less toxic than most agricultural chemicals.
On Saturday, September 21, 2019, 09:50:29 PM EDT, Rod Simmons <Rod.Simmons at alexandriava.gov<mailto:Rod.Simmons at alexandriava.gov>> wrote:
Thanks Susan - good work! This past week we have been foliar-treating Microstegium in the City of Alexandria, Virginia with grass-specific Ornamec (fluzipop), instead of Vantage (sethoxydim).
Alternatively, Jim Clark and Eileen Grant hand-pulled and bagged a large patch of Microstegium from Forest Park.
I consider the latter method ideal for smaller, incipient populations.
> On Sep 21, 2019, at 9:07 PM, Diana Carter <dcarter1776 at yahoo.com<mailto:dcarter1776 at yahoo.com>> wrote:
> Hi Susan. I’m anxious to hear from those wiser than me, but I’ll share what I’ve done just based on my gut sense of it. First, I think there is a lot more seed production pending based on what I’m seeing. So my sense is to get it out before the whole load drops. On bad infestations I have rolled it up to contain the seeds within the stalks. On milder infestations I have used a tub type container on its side and pushed the stiltgrass in seed first. Then I’ve poured it into large bags which I sneak into the regular trash pickup.
> You make a good point about checking shoes afterwards. I will add that to my method. But I (like you) am hoping to learn from others and see what they are doing at this time of the year. I suppose spraying may be an option but I never use herbicides. I have heard that glyphosate dries out cornstalks late in the season.
> Diana Carter
> On Sep 21, 2019, at 8:10 PM, Susan Gitlin <susan.mclaughlin at alumni.stanford.edu<mailto:susan.mclaughlin at alumni.stanford.edu>> wrote:
> Hi. Today I was at a property that is built on and into the edge of national forest land, outside of Waynesboro, VA. This property has some new buildings around which I noticed a bunch of stiltgrass. The forest land surrounding these buildings looked clean of any infestations.
> I mentioned this to the property owner, and he was sincere in his interest in removing the Microstegium. I could not stay there to do the removal myself at the time, but I promised him I would send him information on how to do it.
> However, the plant is now in seed, and all information that I have about stiltgrass recommends removal or weed whacking prior to seed development. That makes sense, of course, but what should I recommend to the property owner?
> a) That he remove and bag it this year? Could that lead to additional spread of the seeds via shoes, bags, etc.?
> b) Or should he wait until next year, thus allowing a thousand plants to release their seeds?
> Please share your wisdom.
> Thank you.
> --Susan
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Lane Heimer
Administrator - Noxious Weed Control
Maryland Department of Agriculture
50 Harry S Truman Pkwy.
Annapolis, MD 21401
301-667-9376 Cell
410-841-5920 Office
Visit Our Website at: www.mda.maryland.gov<https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mda.maryland.gov%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cdrj11%40psu.edu%7C5fa5318482d641ed3e1608d7421199f8%7C7cf48d453ddb4389a9c1c115526eb52e%7C0%7C0%7C637050515675918567&sdata=2IE6kKmj%2FA3hMiE2PMFDBOlNuTy4QcSddhUGM4X%2BW%2F8%3D&reserved=0>
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