[MAIPC] Mugwort Control

Nathan Hartshorne nshartshorne at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 13:59:00 PDT 2020

We have a surprising range of sprout times from Virginia up to northern
PA/jersey as well as other mountainous regions, so that does not surprise
me yours hasn't sprouted.  Where I am in Philly it is a few inches tall
already.  So there is certainly no problem waiting until yours has sprouted
and then let it get a couple inches.

I have used a few different herbicides including glyphosate and clearcast,
but have no personal preference.  It takes a long time with each different
one to get a preference, and I did not have that, so I have no particular
recommendation.  My recommendation really was just about the strategy to
start early.  Mugwort can take over a field if ignored, and spraying only
in the fall after it seeds has not shown me any particular usefulness.  So
if you hit it when it is young short, it is easy to avoid hitting other
plants, helps suppress mugwort height, and does kill a fair percent of the

On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 4:05 PM Gover Jr., Arthur Earl <aeg2 at psu.edu> wrote:

> Hi, Nathan.
> Could you elaborate on the current stage of the mugwort your addressing.
> In Central PA, mugwort emergence is in the future.
> What material are you using?
> Thanks.
> Be well.
> Art
> Penn State Wildland Weed Management
> 116 ASI Building
> University Park, PA  16802
> (814) 863-9904
> (814) 863-6139 FAX
> http://plantscience.psu.edu/wildland
> > On Mar 27, 2020, at 15:23, Nathan Hartshorne <nshartshorne at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I just wanted to say that in the past I have had success reducing
> mugwort invasions by spraying at this point of the year when it is still
> short and a lot of the natives still haven't even shown their sprouts.  Now
> I got maybe as little as 20% killed and the rest grew back, but that 20%
> was very helpful in thin areas.  Also, the mugwort that did resprout grew
> shorter and was significantly easier to manage later in the season when I
> hit it again.  If you have ever waded through a field of 5 ft tall mugwort
> trying to spray it with a backpack sprayer, it is not easy.  Anyways, just
> some advice.
> >
> > Best,
> > Nathan
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