[MAIPC] FW: USFS Washington Office - Request for FY21 Forest Health Protection Special Project Proposals (Due 10/16/20)
Rohrbaugh, Andrew
anrohrbaug at pa.gov
Fri Sep 4 09:28:25 PDT 2020
Hello everyone,
I just wanted to pass along this potential funding opportunity. Especially if you know of anyone interested in studying biocontrols.
Andrew Rohrbaugh | Botanist
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources
Bureau of Forestry | Ecological Services Section
PO Box 8552, 400 Market St, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8552
Cell Phone: 717.480.9054 | Office Phone: 717.705.2823
anrohrbaug at pa.gov
From: Turcotte, Richard M -FS <richard.m.turcotte at usda.gov<mailto:richard.m.turcotte at usda.gov>>
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 1:43 PM
To: Day, Matthew - FS <Matthew.Day at usda.gov<mailto:Matthew.Day at usda.gov>>; Felton, Karen -FS <karen.felton at usda.gov<mailto:karen.felton at usda.gov>>; Foster, Donna M -FS <donna.m.foster at usda.gov<mailto:donna.m.foster at usda.gov>>; Fraser, Ivich -FS <ivich.fraser2 at usda.gov<mailto:ivich.fraser2 at usda.gov>>; Hayes, Christopher - FS <christopher.j.hayes at usda.gov<mailto:christopher.j.hayes at usda.gov>>; Hill, Amy -FS <amy.hill at usda.gov<mailto:amy.hill at usda.gov>>; Kelley, Danielle - FS <Danielle.Kelley at usda.gov<mailto:Danielle.Kelley at usda.gov>>; Larcenaire, Craig - FS <craig.j.larcenaire at usda.gov<mailto:craig.j.larcenaire at usda.gov>>; Martin, Danielle K -FS <danielle.k.martin at usda.gov<mailto:danielle.k.martin at usda.gov>>; Oldland, William K -FS <william.k.oldland at usda.gov<mailto:william.k.oldland at usda.gov>>; Smith, Heather - FS <heather.c.smith at usda.gov<mailto:heather.c.smith at usda.gov>>; Wanner, Devin -FS <devin.wanner at usda.gov<mailto:devin.wanner at usda.gov>>; Wu, Yun -FS <yun.wu at usda.gov<mailto:yun.wu at usda.gov>>
Cc: Eggen, Donald <deggen at pa.gov<mailto:deggen at pa.gov>>; Yong-Lak Park <Yong-Lak.Park at mail.wvu.edu<mailto:Yong-Lak.Park at mail.wvu.edu>>; Carlos Quesada Machigua <carlos.quesada at mail.wvu.edu<mailto:carlos.quesada at mail.wvu.edu>>; Dave McGill (dmcgill at wvu.edu<mailto:dmcgill at wvu.edu>) <dmcgill at wvu.edu<mailto:dmcgill at wvu.edu>>; Chopp, John A CIV (US) (John.A.Chopp at usace.army.mil<mailto:John.A.Chopp at usace.army.mil>) <John.A.Chopp at usace.army.mil<mailto:John.A.Chopp at usace.army.mil>>; Dan Brock (Daniel.P.Bock at usace.army.mil<mailto:Daniel.P.Bock at usace.army.mil>) <Daniel.P.Bock at usace.army.mil<mailto:Daniel.P.Bock at usace.army.mil>>; Michael Hatcher (Michael.D.Hatcher at usace.army.mil<mailto:Michael.D.Hatcher at usace.army.mil>) <Michael.D.Hatcher at usace.army.mil<mailto:Michael.D.Hatcher at usace.army.mil>>; Jeff Horan <Jeff_Horan at fws.gov<mailto:Jeff_Horan at fws.gov>>; Pat Heglund (Patricia_Heglund at fws.gov<mailto:Patricia_Heglund at fws.gov>) <Patricia_Heglund at fws.gov<mailto:Patricia_Heglund at fws.gov>>; casey_reese at nps.gov<mailto:casey_reese at nps.gov>; James, Courtney (courtney_james at nps.gov<mailto:courtney_james at nps.gov>) <courtney_james at nps.gov<mailto:courtney_james at nps.gov>>; john_sowl at nps.gov<mailto:john_sowl at nps.gov>
Subject: FW: USFS Washington Office - Request for FY21 Forest Health Protection Special Project Proposals (Due 10/16/20)
FYI..Please share widely to your Cooperators ..thanks
[Forest Service Shield]
Richard (Rick) Turcotte, PhD
Forest Health Group Leader
State and Private Forestry
Forest Service
Eastern Region, Morgantown Field Office
p: 304-285-1544
c: 304-376-2951
f: 304-285-1505
richard.m.turcotte at usda.gov<mailto:richard.m.turcotte at usda.gov>
180 Canfield Street
Morgantown, WV 26505
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Caring for the land and serving people
From: Ellsworth, Susan - FS
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 1:40 PM
To: Lucas, Sunny L -FS <sunny.l.lucas at usda.gov<mailto:sunny.l.lucas at usda.gov>>; Bohne, Michael - FS <michael.bohne at usda.gov<mailto:michael.bohne at usda.gov>>; Turcotte, Richard M -FS <richard.m.turcotte at usda.gov<mailto:richard.m.turcotte at usda.gov>>
Cc: Lueckel, Robert -FS <robert.lueckel at usda.gov<mailto:robert.lueckel at usda.gov>>; Yocum, Carleen -FS <carleen.yocum at usda.gov<mailto:carleen.yocum at usda.gov>>; Carpenter, Constance - FS <constance.carpenter at usda.gov<mailto:constance.carpenter at usda.gov>>; Koloski, Joseph H -FS <joseph.koloski at usda.gov<mailto:joseph.koloski at usda.gov>>; Kyhl, John F -FS <john.f.kyhl at usda.gov<mailto:john.f.kyhl at usda.gov>>; Burr, Stephen - FS <stephen.burr at usda.gov<mailto:stephen.burr at usda.gov>>; Mausel, David - FS <David.Mausel at usda.gov<mailto:David.Mausel at usda.gov>>; Wu, Yun -FS <yun.wu at usda.gov<mailto:yun.wu at usda.gov>>
Subject: USFS Washington Office - Request for FY21 Forest Health Protection Special Project Proposals (Due 10/16/20)
(Please share widely with interested parties.)
Dear all -
The Washington Office of the US Forest Service is requesting fiscal year 2021 proposals for Special Project programs administered by Forest Health Protection (FHP) within State and Private Forestry. Program guidelines and proposal instructions for the FHP Special Project categories are available on the National FHP Grants webpage https://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/working-with-us/<https://gcc01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.fs.fed.us%2Fforesthealth%2Fworking-with-us%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cdeggen%40pa.gov%7C40e107b2e3dc41b5da7808d84dd55586%7C418e284101284dd59b6c47fc5a9a1bde%7C0%7C0%7C637344925947293165&sdata=QnxkYP5qPgrKB9xgsJ6DKsm%2FiqiAy6ZosjmWS0dV9Iw%3D&reserved=0>
Proposals for the following four Special Project program categories are due October 16, 2020 to the Regional Special Project Program Representative. The Eastern Region Program Representatives will accept proposals for projects in the District of Columbia and the twenty Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, and New England States.
1. Forest Health Monitoring Program, Evaluation Monitoring (EM) - A component of the Forest Health Monitoring Program designed to determine the extent, severity, and cause of undesirable changes in forest health.
Eastern Region Program Representative: Stephen Burr, stephen.burr at usda.gov<mailto:stephen.burr at usda.gov>
2. Special Technology Development Program (STDP) - A program to help bring research results into practice by developing cutting edge technologies and field operation methods that provide field specialists with tools to restore and protect America's forests.
Eastern Region Program Representative: John Kyhl, john.f.kyhl at usda.gov<mailto:john.f.kyhl at usda.gov>
3. Biological Control of Invasive Forest Pests (BCIFP) - A program to develop technologies for expanding the use of biological control on invasive species that impact forests and grasslands.
Eastern Region Program Representative: John Kyhl, john.f.kyhl at usda.gov<mailto:john.f.kyhl at usda.gov>
4. Forest Service-Pesticide Impact Assessment Program (FSPIAP) - A program to evaluate the benefits and impacts of pesticide use in forest environments.
Eastern Region Program Representative: John Kyhl, john.f.kyhl at usda.gov<mailto:john.f.kyhl at usda.gov>
The Washington Office will also be requesting fiscal year 2021 proposals for the Emerging Pest program, to be due March 1, 2021. Additional information for the Emerging Pest Project program is expected prior to the due date.
1. Emerging Pests - A program to respond to needs at the Regional level that represents a new threat to forest health, shows signs of increased risk or of sudden impact, has moved to a new and unexpected location, or is exhibiting a new behavior. It is not intended to support existing National program areas or supplement special funding programs (FSPIAP, BCIP, EM, STDP).
The Washington Office's FHP Special Project timeline and submission process for fiscal year 2021 is as follows:
Special Project Program Submission Timelines for Fiscal Year 2021
Submission of new proposals, progress reports, and final reports
to Regional Program Representatives
Regional Program Representatives submit nationally elevated proposals to National Program Managers
Selection of Approved Projects
(Washington Office FHP)
Special Project programs
October 16, 2020
November 30, 2020
January 29, 2021
Emerging Pest
March 1, 2021
March 26, 2021
April 9, 2021
Please let me know if you have any questions about the Washington Office's FHP Special Projects.
[Forest Service Shield]
Susan Ellsworth
Director for Forest Health and Forest Markets
Forest Service
State and Private Forestry, Eastern Region
c: 775-750-9809
susan.ellsworth at usda.gov<mailto:susan.ellsworth at usda.gov>
626 East Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53202
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Caring for the land and serving people
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