[MAIPC] Mile-a-minute seedlings

Richard Gardner rtgardner3 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 16 02:44:48 PDT 2021

 While hiking if the area is small, I pull up all the plants in that area in hopes that it does not become a big problem. Along the Appalachian Trail between the William Penn Shelter and Rt. 645 there are several patches out of control.
If anyone wants to see garlic mustard completely taking over a landscape the Appalachian Trail north of the Peters Mountain Shelter to the Clark's Valley Road crossing has more garlic mustard than I have seen in one location at one time.
                                                  Richard Gardner
    On Thursday, April 15, 2021, 11:37:06 PM EDT, Heidi Allen <rundvm at gmail.com> wrote:  
 Does anyone know if it is helpful to remove the seedlings of mile-a-minute? Or will new ones grow in their place?
Thank you
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