[MAIPC] FW: Fwd: Faith's new blog - invasive plants in National parks

Marc Imlay ialm at erols.com
Thu Feb 11 07:23:59 PST 2021



“Present in over 30% of plots and responsible for the steepest and

greatest number of significant increases, Japanese stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) was the

most aggressive invader in our study and is a high management priority. Invasive shrubs, especially

Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii), Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), multiflora

rose (Rosa multiflora), and wineberry (Rubus phoenicolasius), also increased across

multiple parks, and sometimes at the expense of Japanese stiltgrass. Given the added risks to

human health from tick-borne diseases, invasive shrubs are a high management priority”,


how can we communicate better with our tick-born disease associates?






From: MAIPC <maipc-bounces at lists.maipc.org> On Behalf Of Tim Maywalt
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2021 9:09 AM
To: Jil Swearingen <jilswearingen at gmail.com>
Cc: Bonnie Harper-Lore <bonnielore at comcast.net>; MAIPC Listserve <maipc at lists.maipc.org>; Mary Willeford Bair <ladybugspec at yahoo.com>; billjohnson <billjohnson at usinternet.com>
Subject: Re: [MAIPC] Fwd: Faith's new blog - invasive plants in National parks




On Thu, Feb 11, 2021 at 8:49 AM Jil Swearingen <jilswearingen at gmail.com <mailto:jilswearingen at gmail.com> > wrote:



I've attached the paper Faith refers to in her blog.




---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: <phytodoer at aol.com <mailto:phytodoer at aol.com> >
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 9:55 AM
Subject: Faith's new blog - invasive plants in National parks
To: <necis at lists.nationalwildlife.org <mailto:necis at lists.nationalwildlife.org> >


Hello, tree pest mavens!

I have posted a new blog at  www.cisp.us <http://www.cisp.us>  and www.nivemnic.us <http://www.nivemnic.us> 

This blog examines recent information on the status of invasive plant management in National parks - with a focus on the parks of the East (from Virginia to Maine.  Check it out!



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