[MAIPC] Fwd: Fw: Sign On to Del. Alonzo Washington Letter to Oppose the MAGLEV Train - by 5 p.m. February 19!

Marc Imlay ialm at erols.com
Fri Feb 19 11:37:28 PST 2021

I second the motion. Marc


From: MAIPC <maipc-bounces at lists.maipc.org> On Behalf Of Jil Swearingen
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 1:20 PM
To: MAIPC Listserve <maipc at lists.maipc.org>
Subject: [MAIPC] Fwd: Fw: Sign On to Del. Alonzo Washington Letter to Oppose the MAGLEV Train - by 5 p.m. February 19!




I think we should sign onto this letter on behalf of MAIPC. The project is absolutely horrible and will divide and conquer the last remaining contiguous high quality forested and wetland habitat between Baltimore and Wash DC. The destruction will be an open invitation to invasive plants that will further degrade the impacted lands.  I'm signing the letter as an individual.


Thank you,




---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Susan McCutchen <tkdmccutch at yahoo.com <mailto:tkdmccutch at yahoo.com> >
Date: Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 8:25 PM
Subject: Fw: Sign On to Del. Alonzo Washington Letter to Oppose the MAGLEV Train - by 5 p.m. February 19!


Good evening, folks,


A reminder from Del. Alonzo Washington -- Friday, February 19, 5 p.m. DEADLINE to sign on to his letter.


Susan R. McCutchen, Community Liaison

Bladensburg Citizens Against the SCMaglev

Maryland Coalition for Responsible Transit



----- Forwarded Message -----

From: Alonzo Washington <alonzo at alonzowashington.com <mailto:alonzo at alonzowashington.com> >

To: Susan McCutchen <tkdmccutch at yahoo.com <mailto:tkdmccutch at yahoo.com> >

Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2021, 8:01:07 PM EST

Subject: REMINDER: Sign On Letter to Oppose the MAGLEV Train






Dear Susan,

As a reminder, I hope you will sign on <https://act.myngp.com/el/mz6GfucL36d5ai1AvV9plwEpaRxz7l2CB7_DgxZ26KM=/b-JpRgvQRaEc_Sxg94NEG4v27cuNVgQEhCtrGOJT_yk=?usp=sf_link>  to my letter asking U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg to OPPOSE the Maglev train. This project will be enormously disruptive for Prince George's County. It will have ramifications on property values, the environment, local businesses, and much more. To amplify our voices in opposition to this project, I am asking you to sign on to my letter, requesting that Secretary to do whatever he can to oppose construction of this project. 

As your State Delegate for District 22, I would like to gather the collective voice of our community by organizing this effort. We must come together to show the federal government that we are united in our opposition on this project. Once again, you can read and sign on to my letter by clicking <https://act.myngp.com/el/mz6GfucL36d5ai1AvV9plwEpaRxz7l2CB7_DgxZ26KM=/b-JpRgvQRaEc_Sxg94NEG4v27cuNVgQEhCtrGOJT_yk=?usp=sf_link>   <https://act.myngp.com/el/mz6GfucL36d5ai1AvV9plwEpaRxz7l2CB7_DgxZ26KM=/b-JpRgvQRaEc_Sxg94NEG4v27cuNVgQEhCtrGOJT_yk=?usp=sf_link> here. The deadline to add your name is tomorrow at 5:00pm.


I want to express my gratitude to the hundreds of residents who have already signed their name to the letter. The defeat of this proposed project will not be possible without the public coming together on this issue. 



Alonzo T. Washington 

Maryland State Delegate





Estimado Susan:


Como recordatorio, espero que firmen mi carta pidiendo <https://act.myngp.com/el/mz6GfucL36d5ai1AvV9plwEpaRxz7l2CB7_DgxZ26KM=/b-JpRgvQRaEc_Sxg94NEG4v27cuNVgQEhCtrGOJT_yk=?usp=sf_link>  al Secretario de Transporte de los Estados Unidos, Pete Buttigieg, que SE OPONGA al tren Maglev. Este proyecto será enormemente disruptivo para el condado de Prince George. Tendrá ramificaciones en el valor de las propiedades, el medio ambiente, las empresas locales y mucho más. Para amplificar nuestras voces en oposición a este proyecto, les pido que firmen mi carta, solicitando al Secretario que haga todo lo posible para oponerse a la construcción de este proyecto.


Como su Delegado Estatal para el Distrito 22, me gustaría reunir la voz colectiva de nuestra comunidad organizando este esfuerzo. Debemos unirnos para demostrarle al gobierno federal que estamos unidos en nuestra oposición a este proyecto. Una vez más, lea y firme mi carta haciendo clic aquí. La fecha límite para agregar su nombre es mañana a las 5:00 pm.


Quiero expresar mi agradecimiento a los cientos de residentes que ya firmaron su nombre al pie de la letra. La derrota de este proyecto propuesto no será posible sin que el público se una en este tema.






Alonzo T. Washington

Delegado del estado de Maryland




Alonzo Washington Social  














By Authority: Friends for Alonzo Washington, Cierra Washington, Treasurer

Friends for Alonzo Washington
P.O. Box 224
Hyattsville MD 20781 United States




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