[MAIPC] FW: [APWG] ARTICLE: Light pollution affects invasive and native plant traits important to plant competition and herbivorous insects (Open Access)

Marc Imlay ialm at erols.com
Mon Nov 22 09:02:33 PST 2021

Please share.


From: APWG <apwg-bounces at lists.plantconservation.org> On Behalf Of Park,
Margaret E
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2021 10:51 AM
To: PCA Listserve <native-plants at lists.plantconservation.org>;
apwg at lists.plantconservation.org
Subject: [APWG] ARTICLE: Light pollution affects invasive and native plant
traits important to plant competition and herbivorous insects (Open Access)


Shannon M. Murphy, Dhaval K. Vyas, Anna A. Sher & Kylee Grenis, Biological
Invasions, November 15, 2021 



Invasions in urban settings have been understudied in terms of how invasions
are impacted by uniquely urban stressors, such as streetlights. Plant
physiology and phenology are impacted by artificial light at night (ALAN),
but no studies have yet examined if light pollution differentially affects
native versus invasive plant species. We tested the hypothesis that ALAN
affects plant traits important to plant fitness and susceptibility to
herbivory and whether they differ between invasive versus native grass
species. We found that aboveground production of invasive cheatgrass was >5
× greater under ALAN than any other species in any treatment, and ALAN also
altered plant traits important to herbivory. This suggests that ALAN may
influence the outcomes of interspecific interactions. As urbanization
increases, its role in invasion biology becomes more important, especially
when an urban disturbance such as ALAN benefits the growth of invasive


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