[MAIPC] J stiltgrass seeds passing thru goats guts?? (Marc Imlay)

Marc Imlay ialm at erols.com
Fri Sep 17 11:37:01 PDT 2021

Enjoy the American birds, such as the wild turkey, that are most closely related to the Red Jungle Fowl that the domestic Chicken originated from 10,000 years ago in China. Does the native American relative of the chicken consume Japanese  Stilt grass? Marc


From: MAIPC <maipc-bounces at lists.maipc.org> On Behalf Of Nathan Hartshorne
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2021 8:10 AM
To: Sarah Morse <morsekathan at gmail.com>
Cc: MAIPC Listserve (maipc at lists.maipc.org) <maipc at lists.maipc.org>; maipc-request at lists.maipc.org
Subject: Re: [MAIPC] J stiltgrass seeds passing thru goats guts?? (Marc Imlay)


Chickens are supposed to grind up seeds, so presumably that would be seed bank or brought in.


On Fri, Sep 17, 2021 at 12:12 AM Sarah Morse <morsekathan at gmail.com <mailto:morsekathan at gmail.com> > wrote:

I can't comment on goats, but my chickens eat the stiltgrass in my backyard - scratch it up until the ground is bare and it comes right back the next year.  However, they are super great at controlling English ivy.  It is gone from my backyard.  I think a flock of chickens could be very effective for English Ivy if you could figure out a way to keep them safe from predators!

Sarah Morse

Little Falls Watershed Alliance


Sarah Morse

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