[MAIPC] Blue Ridge PRISM summer meeting webinar on 7/20: "Simply Stiltgrass"

Rowena Zimmermann rowena at blueridgeprism.org
Mon Jul 11 13:44:26 PDT 2022

Join Blue Ridge PRISM for our summer meeting on Wednesday, 7/20 @11:30 am.
The webinar will focus on Japanese stiltgrass and ways to control it.

This is a free event but requires registration:

Includes a question & answer period with the audience. Those who register
will receive access to the recording of the webinar.

Rowena Zimmermann
Communications & Outreach Coordinator | Blue Ridge PRISM
Email: rowena at blueridgeprism.org

Blue Ridge PRISM <https://blueridgeprism.org/> is a partnership for
regional invasive species management in Virginia.
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