[MAIPC] FW: [VNPS Potowmack] Help with invasives legislation - write today!
Marc Imlay
ialm at erols.com
Sun Jan 15 16:39:57 PST 2023
From: potowmack at vnps.groups.io <potowmack at vnps.groups.io> On Behalf Of Margaret Fisher
Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2023 2:41 PM
To: potowmack at vnps.groups.io
Subject: [VNPS Potowmack] Help with invasives legislation - write today!
Hi, everyone,
Delegate Bulova’s bill to control invasive plants is scheduled before the House Ag Subcommittee on Wednesday at 4 p.m. If you have an opinion about invasive plants, write your delegate today! Please forward to anyone you know in other part of the state.
House Ag subcommittee members: https://virginiageneralassembly.gov/house/members/members.php?committee=H01
From: Virginia Native Plant Society <info at vnps.org <mailto:info at vnps.org> >
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2023 6:01 AM
To: Margaret Fisher <1margaret.e.fisher at gmail.com <mailto:1margaret.e.fisher at gmail.com> >
Subject: Leaf Letter - January 2023 VNPS News
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Greetings VNPS Members,
>From invasive plant species legislation to additions to our VNPS store, we have lots of news for you! See below!
Invasive Plant Species Legislation in the 2023 Virginia General Assembly
The Virginia General Assembly opened its session yesterday, January 11. Two bills regarding invasive plant species were introduced in the House of Delegates. <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXRxexK9e_pZGVillxbCkKrU=> Delegate Paul Krizek introduced <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXfxh7Br0USWf9nCus8A9SIQ=> HB1998 that primarily "directs the Secretaries of Natural and Historic Resources, Agriculture and Forestry, and Administration to coordinate the development of strategic actions for state agencies to take to prioritize the use of native plant species on state properties."
Delegate <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXVHHb42tHUNFAcaZC5xgtKc=> David Bulova introduced <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXUJU_96x2c4cyx9HPWsghIM=> HB2096 that, among other things, states that:
A. The [Department of Conservation and Recreation] shall create a list of invasive plant species no later than January 1, 2024, and shall update such list at least every four years thereafter.
B. No agency of the Commonwealth shall plant, sell, or propagate any plant on the list of invasive plants established in subsection A except when doing so is necessary for scientific or educational purposes.
C. The Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall develop and adopt regulations requiring tradespersons involved with proposing or installing plants to provide written notification to property owners for all plants proposed for installation that are included on the list of invasive plants established in subsection A.
The VNPS supports both bills. We expect both bills to be referred to the <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXX_5Aq8QxrejEGc5RPfLN30=> House Agriculture Subcommittee of the <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXSu7fDclqY3aCDs5wfrOOjA=> House Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources Committee. A bill must be endorsed by the subcommittee to reach the full committee for a vote. The full committee must endorse the bill for it to go before the full House. Members of the House Agriculture Subcommittee can be found <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXe3IIClnR1unBSIG3dZ11QE=> here, and members of the full committee <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXRmps4HTX1ySwuyGhX08YqQ=> here. Let your delegates know your views on invasive plant species. You can find your representatives in the General Assembly <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXVMAHmno12M2yfG6_Dl9lFE=> here.
More VNPS Swag!
Photo by VNPS Publicity Chair Ashley Moulton
We are pleased to announce that we now offer a pin collection of four moisture-loving native plants for $50 in our online store! VNPS Members are eligible for a 10% discount with Coupon Code MEMPINS23. These pins make a great gift for family and friends--or treat yourself! Decorate bags, hats, or other clothing with these lovely pins designed by artist <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXaKQugqTR0oydcBtVf48Z-k=> Abigail Wilson. The backing card shown is 4x3 inches. The price for these FOUR beautiful pins includes shipping, tax, and processing fees. Order by clicking <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXaMDdozJ22S_zMtkGUx37To=> HERE.
VNPS Ballcaps and Wildflower of the Year T-Shirts and Totes
We are now offering additional colors for our VNPS logo baseball caps. We have Neon Pink and Blaze Orange that you can wear for visibility during hunting season. Both the pink and orange caps have the VNPS green logo. <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXY2Lq4Ao6vkVOhgmARgOQwA=> Order your ballcap on our website. And we still have T-shirts available in a wide variety of colors, cuts, and sizes, <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXbyqA7P5cXJWZhyVjQ8c7DM=> Order VNPS T-shirts and Tote bags at Bonfire.com.
New and Updated Edition of Plant Invaders of Mid-Atlantic Natural Areas Now Available
Out of print for several years, this book on local invasive plant species was recently revised and republished. Order your copy from the VNPS for $20 including tax, shipping, and fees. This is a must-have for anyone interested in combating invasives--and that should be everyone in the VNPS! Order your copy <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXZIw0qZ6DLBUD3hhla0LlD0=> here or check with your local chapter for additional copies.
Research Grant Program Application Period Open Now
The VNPS Research Grant Program awards funds for well-defined projects whose results can be evaluated, and which address the <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXfHYB49yrJeJGTMuN5u1Xl4=> VNPS Mission and Goals. Research grants should advance our understanding of the biology of Virginia native plants and their relationship to their ecosystems; teach students about the importance of Virginia native plants and habitat preservation; measure the benefits of native plant habitats to the economic and environmental health of the Commonwealth; or address similar topics. Applications are due February 1. Click <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXYp8rKQVbS-_1CYbHdO5Rgs=> here for more information.
2023 Wildflower of the Year
photo by Botany Chair W. John Hayden
Our 2023 Wildflower of the Year is Hollow Joe-pye-weed, Eutrochium fistulosum. Watch for our WOY brochure and coverage in the next edition of Sempervirens.
5th Annual Prince William Native Plant Symposium Feb. 11
Registration (in-person and via Zoom) is now open. Click <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXfSrYK0Ej66978suol75WZE=> here.
Stay Up to Date with VNPS
Our Society and many of our Chapters hold meetings and informative presentations via Zoom. All these events can be found on the <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXd81gm6egeEXByQwjTLL14U=> VNPS Upcoming Events Calendar. Check for chapter meetings and programs that you can attend remotely through Zoom. Look for walks held by our chapters and opportunities to join them.
And be sure to like and follow us on <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXRH8xr-k092s_EFopmTTp-c=> Facebook and <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXX5EB9MFkoQrGubmZiioOnw=> Instagram for the latest VNPS news and information. The VNPS has a very active <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXUPZg_Qo9g14lqjTK5pDCbM=> Facebook Group in addition to our <https://api.neonemails.com/emails/tracking/click-link/zog2RyfdZM53XT8JB6CvUGkP205CaYSasMV2XXqs0MI=/7SQiv4yI1IFCKiLpEbfjXeEY1S0LyGy7IPzV9DNmoK8=> VNPS Page.
Nancy Vehrs, VNPS President
Copyright © Virginia Native Plant Society, All rights reserved.
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Virginia Native Plant Society
400 Blandy Farm Lane, Unit #2
Boyce, VA 22620
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