[MAIPC] Thoughts on Italian Arum Control?

Mark Frey runcator at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 05:05:03 PST 2015


We initiated a trial in early 2015 and are testing three chemical control
methods applied March 12, 2015. I had hoped to also test time of year
application but wasn't able to. We applied three different chemical mixes:

Chemical treatment 1 (triclopyr and escort):
1.5% Element 3A diluted in water
45 g/ gallon Ammonium sulfate
0.50% Phase (MSO + organisilicone)
0.057 g/gallon Escort XP

Chemical treatment 2 (triclopyr and no Escort):
1.5% Element 3A diluted in water
45 g/ gallon Ammonium sulfate
0.50% Phase (MSO + organisilicone)

Chemical treatment 3 (glyphosate and escort):
2.5% Rodeo diluted in water
45 g/ gallon Ammonium sulfate
0.50% Phase (MSO + organisilicone)
0.057 g/gallon Escort XP

I have monitored 9/29/15 and 10/29/15 so far and it appears that
the Chemical treatment 1 (triclopyr and escort) method had the most impact.
Nothing super dramatic but percent cover was reduced.

I would like to set up a trial with the most promising mix and apply it at
a handful of times of year. I would probably choose early January, mid
February, and late March as the times of year. Let me know if you are
interested in collaborating.

Mark Frey
National Park Service

On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 5:10 PM, frazmo <frazmo at gmail.com> wrote:

> Italian Arum (*Arum italicum*) seems to be spreading in Arlington County,
> Virginia both as an invader of natural areas and as a lawn weed, for
> example in my own back yard. Over the last 5 years I have been seeing more
> of it in my own yard (I never planted it) and in Long Branch Nature Center.
> Because it has underground corms, I doubt that manual control will be
> effective. It seems to expand vegetatively from the corms, and definitely
> by seed dispersal. I have read that it seems to be resistant to control by
> herbicides; see for example the discussion here:
> http://www.nps.gov/cue/epmt/products/Arum%20italicum%202012%20NCREPMT.pdf
> Now that it's autumn, the foliage has re-emerged. Does anyone have any
> experience to share about control efforts? Both efforts that have worked
> and efforts that have failed could be instructive... Thanks!
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