[MAIPC] seeking experienced advice to treat Murdannia keisak

Williams, Owen Thomas Alexande OwenThomas.Williams at fairfaxcounty.gov
Wed Jun 1 11:27:09 PDT 2016

Hello all,

I am seeking the advice of people with experience treating Murdannia keisak.  I have a ½ acre seasonally flooded pond with a bad infestation.  I can control holding up to 20'' of water in the deepest parts of the pond, subject to rates of precipitation/evapotranspiration.

Has anyone had success with a particular chemical, treatment timing, combination with flooding...etc.  I have avoided mechanical treatments and I have had little to no progress with rodeo applied in the August timeframe.

Thanks very much,


Owen Williams
Resource Management Division
Fairfax County Park Authority
12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 936
Fairfax, VA 22035-1118
Office ph. (703) 324-1036  Fax (703) 324-3996
owilli at fairfaxcounty.gov

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