[MAIPC] 2 upcoming meetings + Faith's blog about inv spp intro rates

Phytodoer at aol.com Phytodoer at aol.com
Mon Mar 6 08:03:43 PST 2017

forest pest mavens & others
I have posted a blog at _www.cisp.us_ (http://www.cisp.us)  or 
_www.nivemnic.us_ (http://www.nivemnic.us)  that reports on the Hanno  Seebens & 40+ 
colleagues - showing that introductions of invasive species  continued to rise 
in the 20th Century & first years of the 21st ... policies  are not yet 
adequately effective in turning back this tidal wave ...
2 meetings in May provide opportunity to join others working on these  
1) The North American Invasive Species Forum - which meets every other year 
 - is meeting in Savannah, GA on May 9 - 11.  I hope this meeting will help 
 bridge the gap between "invasive species" activists and official 
"phytosanitary"  types.  The agenda and registration information is at 
2) IUFRO section on Foliage, shoot and stem diseases of forest trees will  
be in Niagara Falls, Ontario on May 7-11, 2017. This year’s meeting  theme: 
Invasive Forest Pathogens & Implications for Biology and  Policy. Details 
are at https://www.cif-ifc.org/iufroworkingparty2017/
Wish I could go to both!
Faith Campbell
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