[MAIPC] Beware Marsh Dewflower!

sarahechamberlin at gmail.com sarahechamberlin at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 07:34:30 PDT 2018

Please, please be on the lookout for Marsh Dewflower (aka Dayflower), Murdannia keisak. If you aren’t aware of this moisture loving plant, I cannot emphasize enough the need for you to learn to recognize it so that you can pull it immediately. 

In the space of only two years it has overwhelmed the wetlands/stream on my Charles City County, Virginia property. Mats of Marsh Dewflower have smothered native habitat. Because the seeds come from upstream; the invasion cannot be controlled.

According to EDD Maps it is spreading throughout the mid-Atlantic. https://www.invasiveplantatlas.org/subject.html?sub=3053

Removing non-native invasive plants is my passion. Japanese Honeysuckle and Japanese Stilt grass, once prevalent on my property, have been removed by hand. All that I need to do now is to monitor for new invasions. But with Murdannia keisak, a plant I was not familiar with, I have met my match. I can only remove it from select areas in and along the marsh,  knowing that the annual will return to the same areas next year.  It is a heartbreaker. 

Please, please beware this plant! 

Sally Chamberlin
Certified Virginia Master Naturalist 
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