[MAIPC] garlic mustard weevil biocontrol released in Ontario

Marc Imlay ialm at erols.com
Fri Jan 25 06:22:04 PST 2019

Hi Tom,


It depends on how fast the weevil moves to new garlic mustard sites. And
where else it is released in Canada. For example, the weevils for
mile-a-minute move as much as a mile a year. 

Marc Imlay, PhD 

Conservation biologist, Park Ranger Office, Non-native Invasive Plant
Control coordinator. 
 <blocked::tel:(301)%20442-5657> (301) 442-5657 cell
<blocked::mailto:ialm at erols.com> ialm at erols.com
Natural and Historical Resources Division
The  Maryland-National   Capital   Park  and Planning Commission




From: Tom Zaleski <TZaleski at Newark.de.us <mailto:TZaleski at Newark.de.us> > 
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019 7:52 AM
To: Marc Imlay <ialm at erols.com <mailto:ialm at erols.com> >
Subject: RE: [MAIPC] garlic mustard weevil biocontrol released in Ontario


Will the study involve releasing the weevil any where else in the US? I am
in northern Delaware and I have Garlic Mustard in our woodlands as well.


From: MAIPC <maipc-bounces at lists.maipc.org
<mailto:maipc-bounces at lists.maipc.org> > On Behalf Of Marc Imlay
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 9:49 PM
maipc at lists.maipc.org <mailto:maipc at lists.maipc.org> 
Subject: [MAIPC] garlic mustard weevil biocontrol released in Ontario




In August and October 2018, Dr. Rob Bourchier, from Agriculture and
Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) released the
<https://www.cabi.org/projects/project/62322> first biocontrol agent against
garlic mustard in North America - the root mining weevil Ceutorhynchus
scrobicollis.  Weevil larvae in lab-inoculated plants and adults were
released at a garlic mustard site in Ontario, Canada.

A population  model predicted  that of all agents investigated, C.
scrobicollis will have the most significant impact on garlic mustard. If the
weevils survive the winter and establish themselves in the wild, they are
expected to reduce the density of the weed at existing sites and slow its
spread to new sites.  The project will continue to closely monitor the
weevil's progress and assess whether they live up to the model's prediction.



n 2019, the weevil rearing program at the University of Minnesota, European
field collections by CABI and field expertise from AAFC will be combined to
expand the number of weevil release sites in Ontario. These release
experiments will focus on defining the conditions that favour C.
scrobicollis survival and population growth.



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