[MAIPC] Literature on impacts of invasive plants on game wildlife?

Sylvan Kaufman sylvan.kaufman at gmail.com
Sun Mar 10 06:52:13 PDT 2019

Here are a couple links to general articles, but they are specific to game
birds. They might lead you to some search terms to find research related to
these topics.
Lespedeza and quail -
Turkeys and acorns -


On Sat, Mar 9, 2019 at 5:22 PM Susan Gitlin <
susan.mclaughlin at alumni.stanford.edu> wrote:

> Yes, thanks,everyone.  I have heard Dr. Tallamy speak on numerous
> occasions.  His contributions to the connections between native plants and
> the animals in our ecosystems have been wonderful.  Let's not, as a group,
> however, further contribute to the public's confusion between invasive
> plants and native plants.   I find myself often in the position of
> clarifying the difference between the two.    Advocacy on both is important
> to ecosystem protections, but invasive plants are not the opposite of
> native plants.
> In any case, at this point, I have not come across literature on the
> impact of invasive plants and game species.  Please do let me know if you
> hear of any studies!  Thank you!
> On Sat, Mar 9, 2019 at 5:06 PM Carol Larson <carol2339 at verizon.net> wrote:
>> Dr. Tallamy will speak at the Arden Gild Hall on April 22 at 7:00 pm.
>> Northern Delaware.
>> *From:* MAIPC <maipc-bounces at lists.maipc.org> *On Behalf Of *Susan Gitlin
>> *Sent:* Friday, March 8, 2019 1:12 PM
>> *To:* Conner McBane <cmcbane at appalachiantrail.org>
>> *Cc:* MAIPC Listserve <maipc at lists.maipc.org>; Alonso Abugattas <
>> Aabugattas at arlingtonva.us>
>> *Subject:* Re: [MAIPC] Literature on impacts of invasive plants on game
>> wildlife?
>> Thanks, Conner.  Your last sentence speaks to the reason that I posed
>> this question.
>> I spend a lot of time removing autumn olive, stiltgrass, Japanese
>> honeysuckle, etc etc from my property along the Maury River in Rockbridge
>> County.
>> But the property is in the floodplain and the river can bring seeds of
>> invasive plants from upstream properties, thus undoing my work.  Many
>> property owners do not know about the problems that invasives cause, or
>> they simply do not have the interest or resources to remove them.  Given
>> that hunting and fishing are extremely popular activities in that area, I
>> wondered about the possibility of creating incentives, or at least engaging
>> in an educational campaign, based on the impact of invasive plants on those
>> activities -- if such an impact has been established.  Thus, I am looking
>> for information on that connection.
>> --Susan.
>> On Fri, Mar 8, 2019 at 12:32 PM Conner McBane <
>> cmcbane at appalachiantrail.org> wrote:
>> Hi Susan,
>> Dr. Tallamy makes great points on invasive plants impacts to birds
>> specifically. Breeding season for bird species requires heavy protein
>> sources from caterpillars whose greatest population diversity and size are
>> found on native plants. Clutch size is dependent on these high protein
>> sources. Invasive plant species do not have the diversity in insects and so
>> this causes a lack of protein for bird reproduction Many invasive species
>> such as umbellata do not fruit until well after breeding season so while
>> the fruit might still be utilized by bird species, it is not useful for
>> overall population growth. As you know, native species can and have
>> provided the fruit needed for migration so umbellata is not supplementing
>> any needed food source.
>> This might be more specific to non-game migratory bird species but I
>> assume similar cases can be made for game species.
>> This is a great question though and I think NNIS impacts to wildlife is a
>> really important selling point to the public for NNIS management.
>> Best,
>> On Mar 7, 2019, at 6:10 PM, Susan Gitlin <
>> susan.mclaughlin at alumni.stanford.edu> wrote:
>> Rick, can you by any chance point to specific studies that Dr. Tallamy
>> has done?  I am aware of his work on the relationship between native plants
>> and Lepidoptera (whose caterpillars are eaten by birds), but I'm not aware
>> of his work on the impacts of invasive plants on birds.  Thank you!
>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 6:05 PM Richard Johnstone <ivmpartners at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> I'm not sure about game species, but Dr. Doug Tallamy, UD, has great
>> research on the effects on native birds.
>> Rick
>> On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 5:16 PM Susan Gitlin <
>> susan.mclaughlin at alumni.stanford.edu> wrote:
>> Hi.  Would any of you happen to have written or otherwise know of
>> articles regarding net actual or potential impacts of invasive plants on
>> Virginia game species?  I say "net" because many people will argue, and
>> rightfully, that plants like *Elaeagnus umbellata *are a food source for
>> wildlife.  The impacts on biodiversity and reductions in native sources of
>> food may be less obvious in the shorter term.  I am wondering to what
>> degree the spread of invasive plants has or may impact hunting in Virginia
>> or nearby states over the long term.  Can you suggest any sources of
>> information?
>> Thank you!
>> --Susan Gitlin
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Sylvan Kaufman
phone: 410-310-0160
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