[MAIPC] Fwd: GreenScapes Symposium - Early Bird Deadline

Jil Swearingen jilswearingen at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 08:53:19 PST 2021


I thought you'd be interested to know about this symposium. It's new to me,
was forwarded by someone. I'm considering attending this one.

Thank you,


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: GreenScapes Symposium - Early Bird Deadline
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2021 15:26:52 +0000
From: Gedeik, Jason <jason.gedeik at montgomeryparks.org>
<jason.gedeik at montgomeryparks.org>
To: Gedeik, Jason <jason.gedeik at montgomeryparks.org>
<jason.gedeik at montgomeryparks.org>

Hello – If you haven’t already registered for the GreenScapes Symposium,
don’t miss out on the Early Bird fee that ends this Friday, January 8. We
have a great lineup of speakers and offer a variety of professional CEUs
for this live Zoom event being held on February 19.


[image: Monarch butterfly on a Sanguisotia]
GreenScapes Symposium - Early Bird Registration Ends This Friday (1/8)

Take advantage of the Early Bird fee of $45 that ends this Friday, January
8.  After this date, registration increases to $55 per person. For more
information, and to register for this live Zoom event, *please visit here.*

2021 Focus: Leveraging Native Plants to Restore the Environment
Years of rapid urbanization have fragmented natural habitats with manicured
lawns and barren over-development leading to significant declines in
biodiversity. How can you reverse this alarming trend? Join us for a
fascinating day of innovative presentations that dig deep into how native
plants can restore natural ecosystems in a range of landscapes, from
backyards and public gardens to urban and commercial projects.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Available for Professionals : **Online
recordings of each session will be available*

   - American Society of Landscape Architects (LA CES 5.25)
   - Association of Professional Landscape Designers (APLD 5.25)
   - Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professionals (CBLP 5.25)
   - Maryland Certified Professional Horticulturist Program (CPH 1.0)
   - Delaware Master Gardener (5.25)
   - Maryland Master Gardener (5.25)
   - Pennsylvania Master Gardener (5.25)
   - Virginia Master Gardener (check with your local extension office)

*We are grateful for the generous support of our sponsors: *

*Presenting Sponsors:*

   - Friends of Brookside Gardens
   - Natural Resources Design
   - RainScapes Program, Montgomery County Department of Environmental


*Associate Sponsors:*

   - Silver Spring Garden Club
   - Takoma Horticultural Club

If you are interested in learning about sponsorship opportunities, please
contact Ellen Bennett at ellen.bennett at montgomeryparks.org

GreenScapes Symposium Overview

[image: Image of a naturalized peennial garden at Brookside Gardens]

Join industry experts as they tackle the native vs. non-native plant
debate: Is a native plant-only prescription necessary? Under what
conditions should non-native plants be incorporated, and what are the risks
of using cultivars? Join the conversation as experts assess the scope of
environmental benefits that native ecosystems create, such as decreasing
pollution and fighting climate change.

We’ll explore the latest strategies to combat pollinator population
collapse, considering key factors like pollination syndromes, specialist
pollinators, plant genetics and floral balance. Speakers will demonstrate
the latest tools to assess the sustainability of sites, including best
practices for evidence-based designs that maximize the ecological, social
and economic benefits of native landscapes.

*About GreenScapes*

The GreenScapes Symposium, formerly Green Matters, is an annual program
sponsored by Brookside Gardens since 2004.  The symposium will continue to
concentrate attention on the intersection of horticulture and environmental
issues Environmental stewardship is a core value of the Maryland-National
Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), Brookside Gardens’ parent
organization. As such, we strive to provide timely information and viable
solutions to environmental challenges.


[image: Image of Doug Tallamy]

*KEY NOTE: Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts
in Your Yard *
*Doug Tallamy, Professor & Chair, Department of Entomology & Wildlife
Ecology, University of Delaware*

Recent headlines about global insect declines and three billion fewer birds
in North America are a bleak reality check about how ineffective our
current landscape designs have been at sustaining the plants and animals
that sustain us.  Such losses are not an option if we wish to continue our
current standard of living on Planet Earth. The good news is that none of
this is inevitable. Tallamy will discuss simple steps from his recent book
"Nature's Best Hope" that each of us can- and must- take to reverse
declining biodiversity and will explain why we, ourselves, are nature’s
best hope.

[image: Image of Kim Eierman]
  The Pollinator Victory Garden:  Winning the War on Pollinator Decline
with Ecological Gardening
*Kim Eierman, Author & Founder, EcoBeneficial LLC*

With pollinator populations crashing, our managed landscapes have never
been more important.  But it takes more than a floral buffet to create a
resilient “Pollinator Victory Garden” which attracts, supports and
increases populations of a diverse array of pollinator species.  Kim
Eierman will share ecological best practices for landscapes that consider
habitat, pollination syndromes, specialist pollinators, plant genetics and
floral balance.  Learn about the latest strategies for defragmenting
pollinator habitats.

[image: Image of Claudio Vasques]
Selecting & Sourcing Native Plants for Diverse Landscape Needs
*Claudio Vazquez, co-owner of Izel Plants*

This presentation will help you navigate the difficult task of selecting
and sourcing native plants, including the drawbacks and benefits to using
cultivars, the challenges with propagating certain plants on a commercial
scale, and the importance of local genotype varieties. Claudio will tackle
the hot debate of whether a native-only landscape is necessary and help us
understand the environmental impact of genetic diversity and its importance
in establishing sustainable ecosystems. Learn how to balance your
individual needs as homeowners, horticulturalists and professional
designers within the context of conservation, while meeting specific
aesthetics, resilience and maintenance requirements.

[image: Image of Emily McCoy]

*Evidence-based Design in Landscape Architecture and Planning for a more
Sustainable Future*
*Emily McCoy, PLA, ASLA, SITES AP:  Associate Professor of Practice in
Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, North Carolina State
University & Landscape Architect at Design Workshop*

Gardeners and landscape architects alike understand the importance of
designing with native plants but how do we effectively evaluate the
environmental benefits of these landscapes?  Emily will draw upon case
studies from her work with Andropogon Associates and Design Workshop to
demonstrate easy-to-use tools for collecting field data to assess the
sustainability of a range of sites before and after design. This
presentation will review the latest research focused on landscape
performance and best practices that provide layered benefits ecologically,
socially and economically, from sites varying in scale and geographic

*Brookside Gardens* | 1800 Glenallan Ave. | Wheaton MD 20902
jason.gedeik at montgomeryparks.org | 301.962.1400

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