[MAIPC] Spotted lanternfly & Elm zigzag sawfly in VA; Vinca new SOD host

Jil Swearingen jilswearingen at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 06:58:22 PDT 2021


It is my understanding that *Phytophthora ramorum*, a water mold that
causes Sudden Oak Death (SOD) and Ramorum blight, has not been confirmed in
the wild in the eastern U.S. Surveillance monitoring continues in nurseries
and streams in the East. Over the past decade, there have been some
positive detections in nurseries in the East (e.g., plants coming from a
major California nursery supplier) but no detections in the wild. Let's
hope that continues!

*Vinca minor* and its close relative *V. major* are highly invasive plants
that threaten natural areas  (

The *Vinca-Ramorum* association was confirmed in a botanic garden in
Washington state. While the negative impact of *P. ramorum* on *Vinca *could
be seen as welcome news to some of us, it also means that *Vinca*
could potentially allow the pathogen to establish and spread in the wild
where conditions are favorable. The pathogen could spread to forests in WA
and to other states via nursery stock. Gardens and arboreta that feature *Vinca
*plantings could be recipients of infected plants of *Vinca *or many other *P.
ramorum *susceptible species.

This news should serve as another reason to remove *Vinca *from intentional
plantings and wild locations where it has escaped.

Here's a corrected link to the Vinca article:

More information on Sudden Oak Death

These are my non-expert thoughts and prognostications. I'm copying Dr.
David Clement, University of Maryland Extension Plant Pathologist, for his

Thank you,


On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 8:35 AM Stephen Hiltner <stevehiltner at gmail.com>

> What is the status of SOD on the east coast, and does the news about vinca
> suggest we should be removing vinca from gardens?
> On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 8:24 AM Jil Swearingen <jilswearingen at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Please see the attached notice on 3 invasive species prepared by Faith
>> Campbell.
>> Thank you,
>> Jil
>> .......................
>> Jil Swearingen
>> Secretary, Maryland Native Plant Society
>> Board, Mid-Atlantic Invasive Plant Council
>> -----------------------------------
>> In the Weeds Consulting
>> Cheverly, MD 20785
>> 410-200-7085
>> https://in-the-weeds.com/
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