[MAIPC] Fwd: Knotweed

Jil Swearingen jilswearingen at gmail.com
Sat Nov 27 13:51:48 PST 2021

Hello MAIPCers,

Please see Erik's message below about birds nesting in Japanese knotweed
and reply to him directly at: kiviat at bard.edu

Thank you,


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Erik Kiviat <kiviat at bard.edu>
Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2021 at 8:11 PM
Subject: Knotweed
To: Jil Swearingen <jilswearingen at gmail.com>

Good evening, Jil

I hope this message finds you well.

I'm finishing a manuscript about birds nesting in knotweed (please see
attachment). In order to understand how widespread this phenomenon is in
North America, I'm asking observers to provide nest records from states and
provinces for which I lack data.

Have you seen any evidence of nests, or breeding behavior, in knotweed
stands in DC, VA, MD? Once leaves drop (soon, in your area) it should be
easy to see nests (at least ones that are elevated). I would expect birds
to nest in knotweed in Rock Creek Park and other greenspaces in and around
the developed areas, as well as in rural regions.

Thank you for any help you can provide!

Have a good holiday,

Erik Kiviat PhD PWS, Executive Director, Hudsonia Ltd.
P.O. Box 5000 / 30 Campus Road, Annandale NY 12504 USA;
tel. 845-758-7273, fax 845-758-7033; kiviat at bard.edu; www.hudsonia.org

Hudsonia is a tax exempt, nonprofit, non-advocacy, scientific research and
education institute: Please support us at http://hudsonia.org/support/
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