[MAIPC] Help in finding speakers

Heidi Allen rundvm at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 19:46:13 PDT 2021

I am looking for individuals who can give a brief - < 30 min webinar to the
public about non-native invasive plants.

We are creating the NOVA Tree Rescue as part of the Plant NOVA Natives tree
campaign (Plant Native Trees) to address the numerous  native trees that
are at risk in the area. The goals of the webinars are to present two
plants (i.e. porcelain berry and orient bittersweet), key identification
points, native look-a-likes, control techniques, and safety issues.

If you or someone you know would be willing to help us out, please let me

I truly appreciate it.

Thank you

*The current list of topics for the webinars is identifying and removal of:*
1) English Ivy and wintercreeper (also a talk about why trees are important)
2) Porcelain berry and oriental bittersweet
3) Wisteria and kudzu
4) Multiflora rose and Japanese honeysuckle
5) Japanese hops, 5 leave akabia
6) Mile-a-minute, and sweet autumn clematis

I also plan to have a webinar on how to solicit volunteers from your
community and one on important native trees and how to keep them healthy.

*Summary of the program:*
*Everyone is invited to help save native trees in Northern Virginia.
Volunteers can work either on their own in their neighborhoods or within
organizations such as community associations, schools, faith communities,
etc, to spot trees that are at risk and educate the owners about how to
save them. We will be hosting a series of short trainings on identifiying
and addressing threats such as non-native vines and providing brochures and
on-line materials for volunteers to use in their outreach. We will also
provide organizations with ideas for creating a tree action plan. Upon
request, we will try to match up volunteers who are willing to work outside
their own communities with organizations that need more help.*
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