[MAIPC] Looking for information on the status of Frangula alnus (glossy buckthorn)

Koop, Anthony - MRP-APHIS anthony.l.koop at usda.gov
Fri Aug 16 06:47:50 PDT 2024


I am conducting a national weed status assessment for glossy buckthorn [Frangula alnus]. One of my goals is to characterize its status in each U.S. state where it is known to occur, which includes the mid-Atlantic region. If you have seen this species, I would appreciate if you can provide any information on the following.  It doesn't have to be much...just a few sentences...but it does need to be specific to your state.

  *   What kinds of ecological or socio-economic impacts is this species having in your state in natural, agricultural, or anthropogenic areas?
  *   Who in your state (if anyone) is specifically targeting this species for control/eradication (i.e., which agencies, NGOs, homeowners) and what kinds of actions are they taking?
  *   Is there anything else about this species' status in your state that you think would be helpful?
Thank you,


Anthony L. Koop  (Plant Ecologist)
Plant Pest Risk Analysis (PPRA<https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/planthealth/ppq-program-overview/science-technology/plant-pra>)
Science and Technology

North Carolina State University
920 Main Campus Dr., Suite #400
Raleigh, NC 27606-5202

Phone: (919) 855-7429
Fax:      (919) 855-7599
Email:  anthony.l.koop at aphis.usda.gov<mailto:anthony.l.koop at aphis.usda.gov>
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