[MAIPC] MD Weed Risk Assessment regs posted for comment

Kerrie L. Kyde -DNR- kerrie.kyde at maryland.gov
Tue Jun 23 13:46:32 PDT 2015


With apologies for cross-postings, attached are draft regulations for the
invasive ornamental plant law in Maryland.  The Invasive Plant Advisory
Committee is seeking your comments.  These regulations cover prohibited
actions for Tier 1 or 2 species, conditions under which approval is given
for prohibited activities, requirements concerning movement and disposal of
Tier 1 species, guidance on proposing changes to the Tiered species list,
and the first species Tier rankings.  The regulations will be submitted for
publication August 3 to appear in the August 21 Maryland Register. Note
that plant species will continue to be added as we complete weed risk
assessments, but it is a time consuming process.  You can see the completed
weed risk assessments at
We are starting with species on MD DNR's Do Not Plant List.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Kerrie L. Kyde
Invasive Plant Ecologist
Natural Heritage Program
Maryland DNR--WHS
11960 Clopper Road
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Kerrie.Kyde at maryland.gov
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