[MAIPC] October is Firewood Awareness Month; thinks you can do

Phytodoer at aol.com Phytodoer at aol.com
Thu Oct 6 06:45:31 PDT 2016

Dear Forest Pest Mavens: 
At the request of Leigh Greenwood of The Nature Conservancy  & Don't Move 
Firewood, I am sending you the following announcement. 
[I also attach a Firewood Awareness toolkit; if you cannot  receive the 
attachment, please contact Leigh at lgreenwood at tnc.org  
Hello colleagues! 
I am emailing to announce the launch of our new “October is  Firewood Month”
 outreach effort, which is a partnership between the Don’t Move  Firewood 
and Hungry Pests campaign. We’ve got all month to share materials,  encourage 
press releases, reach out on social media, and give this pilot year a  
really great start! 
Right now, the two partners - USDA APHIS _Hungry Pests_ 
(http://hungrypests.com/)   and The Nature Conservancy’s _Don’t Move Firewood_ 
(http://www.dontmovefirewood.org/)  campaign -   are launching the first week of Firewood 
Awareness Month. The primary  goal is to raise public awareness about 
firewood movement as a forest pest and  disease pathway. The timing is strategic, 
as October is a month that brings a  visceral reminder that home heating 
season is coming, with colder temperatures  in most of the U.S, as well as 
travel for hunting. Firewood Awareness Month is  intentionally not 
species-centric – it is a focus on a critical pathway - and it  offers a chance to reach 
target audiences who pose the greatest risk for moving  firewood in the fall 
Please help get the word out: 
    *   Download free resources  off the updated partners page, found at 
    *   Promote the USDA blog  article at 
http://blogs.usda.gov/2016/10/03/as-the-weather-cools-your-firewood-choices-matter/  to your local media and 
to your partners.  
    *   Refer people to the  public landing page on Don’t Move Firewood, 
aptly named http://www.dontmovefirewood.org/firewoodmonth   
    *   Talk this up in your own  professional world this month- whether 
that’s social media, office  communications, listserves, or whatever works for 
    *   Share the attached  Firewood Awareness Month Stakeholder Toolkit 
with your nonprofit, university,  industry, and other partners to encourage 
them to spread the message through  their social media and other interactions. 
It’s easy! Just copy and paste the  note below and send it with the 
attached Stakeholder Toolkit.  
Please contact Leigh Greenwood (lgreenwood at tnc.org) with questions. Thank  
you for promoting Firewood Awareness Month! 
October is Firewood Awareness Month and we need your help to  raise public 
awareness about firewood movement as a forest pest and disease  pathway. 
Each week of October focuses on a theme that allows you to strategize  when to “
chime in” according to your preferences, audiences, and professional  time 
constraints. There is no minimum requirement to participate. 
Oct. 2 – 8: General information regarding the issue of  firewood as a 
pathway for forest pest spread. 
Oct. 9 – 15: Messages targeted to fall  recreationalists- especially 
hunters, anglers, and RV owners. 
Oct. 16 – 22: Firewood's important role as a forest  product during 
National Forest Products Week 
Oct. 23 – 29: Messages targeted to people that buy or  gather firewood to 
heat their homes or cabins. 
Oct. 30 – 31: General information and fun Halloween  related tie-ins. 
To make it easy to find materials that will help you  participate, we’ve 
created a partner page, named Free Resources for Firewood  Month blog, 
http://www.dontmovefirewood.org/blog/free-resources-firewood-month.html  . On this 
page, one of the most valuable items you will find is the 2016  Firewood 
Awareness Month Stakeholder Toolkit – it contains regionally tailored  
messages, messages by week and target audience, suggested social media posts and  
tweets, and graphics. You’ll also find a lot of great partner resources, such 
as  videos, kids activities from Plant Heroes, and more. 
Please help amplify the key messages: Moving firewood long  distances can 
spread forest pests. Your firewood choices matter. You can protect  the 
places you love by preventing the spread of forest pests on firewood. Don’t  move 
firewood – instead, you can buy firewood where you’ll burn it, buy  
certified heat treated firewood, or gather on site when permitted. You have the  
power to slow the spread of forest pests. Note: please tag all social media  
posts #FirewoodMonth to allow for campaign tracking of metrics.   
Thanks for helping protect what we love by spreading the word  about 
responsible firewood choices.  
Leigh  Greenwood 
Don’t  Move Firewood Campaign Manager 
The  Nature Conservancy, Forest Health Program 
255  West Front Street*,  Missoula, MT 59802
lgreenwood at tnc.org 
Mobile:  (406) 544 - 5099 note: mountain time zone 
Alternate:  (406) 640 - 3250 
_DontMoveFirewood.org_ (http://www.dontmovefirewood.org/)  y 
_NoMuevaLaLeña.org_ (http://www.nomuevalalena.org/)  
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