[MAIPC] 2017 MAIPC Meeting

MA IPC maipc.org at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 07:47:07 PDT 2017

Hello All,

Please see below for the nomination slate for the 2017 MAIPC elections and
the agenda for the 2017 Business Meeting.

Thank you.


Heather Kostick, MAIPC Secretary

*2017 MAIPC Meeting Agenda*

*Officers (nominated by acclamation at May board meeting)*

President - Norris Muth

Secretary – Damien Ossi

Treasurer – Heather Kostick

Technology Officer - Jenn Truong

 *Incumbents (self-nominated; seconded by acclamation at May board meeting)*

MD — Marc Imlay

VA – Sarah Archer

DE – Matthew Sarver

PA – Andrew Rohrbaugh

NJ – JohnRyan Polascik

 DC — Alex Sanders (confirmation of board appointment to DC vacancy)

DE – Jil Swearingen (nom. by Marc Imlay)

WV — Jennie Hennenhoefer (nom. by Heather Kostick)

VA – Conner McBane (filling vacated VA position mid-term; nom. by Marian

*Norris Muth and Ruth Douglas seconded the motions via email on 6/20/2017

The 2017 MAIPC business meeting will be held on August 2 at 9:00AM at
Juniata College to start the second day of the 2017 conference.


New Business

1.      Treasurer’s Report

2.      Secretary’s Report

a.      Minutes from 2016 business meeting

3.      Elections of officers and directors (this is the official slate):

a.      Officers (nominated by acclamation at May 2017 board meeting)

                                                    i.     President -
Norris Muth

                                                   ii.     Secretary -
Damien Ossi

                                                  iii.     Treasurer -
Heather Kostick

                                                  iv.     Technology
Officer – Jenn Truong

b.      Incumbents (self-nominated; seconded by acclamation at May 2017
board meeting)

                                                    i.     MD - Marc Imlay

                                                   ii.     VA - Sarah Archer

                                                  iii.     DE - Matt Sarver

                                                  iv.     PA - Andrew

                                                   v.     NJ - JohnRyan

c.      New nominees

                                                    i.     DC - Alex
Sanders (confirmation of board appointment in May 2017)

                                                   ii.     DE – Jil
Swearingen (nom. by Marc Imlay, seconded by Norris Muth)

                                                  iii.     WV - Jennie
Hennenhoefer (nom. by Heather Kostick, seconded by Norris Muth)

                                                  iv.     VA - Conner
McBane (filling vacated position mid-term; nom. by Marian Orlousky,
seconded by Norris Muth)

Old Business (none)

Announcements/Discussions for the good of the order

According to our bylaws, members who cannot attend may assign a proxy:

Article VII Section 4. Members unable to attend the annual business meeting
may assign a dated, signed proxy.  Alternatively, a proxy can be
transmitted electronically.  Such a proxy shall be considered signed and
dated as long as there is evidence that the member in question authorized
such proxy from the member’s email address on record.

According to our bylaws, voting members are any person who has applied for
membership or attended a MAIPC conference or workshop in the past two
years, and the few lifetime members: Article III Section I; …Individual
members have voting privileges. Individual membership can be requested by
contacting the Secretary or by submitting an application on the Council’s
website.  Individuals who attend an event sponsored by this council shall
automatically be individual members…

*Lifetime sustaining members*: Any individual or institutional members who
pay a lifetime sustaining membership fee to the Council. Lifetime
sustaining members have voting privileges and shall be given discounts to
all conferences and workshops sponsored by the Council.
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