[MAIPC] Berberis julianae or wintergreen barberry

Elizabeth Mizell eamizell at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 14:35:40 PDT 2019

Can anyone give some insight of the invasiveness of this shrub? EddMaps
shows just a few reports Virginia and DC, but I wonder if it has been
underreported. I did report it. Any experiences or observations out there?

I recently found one growing in natural area outside of Charlottesville,
VA. Nasty thing and I am not sure why anyone would plant it. Likely an
escape from nearby landscaping transported by a bird. Unfortunately, it a
few weeks ago I spotted it being sold by a local nursery here in
Charlottesville. It would be a great conversation to have with that
nursery, but I want to be armed with information first.

Thank you,
Beth Mizell

Elizabeth A Mizell  [image: ][image: ][image: ]
eamizell at gmail.com
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